Let's Replay and General Discussion: Final Fantasy XII

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Keyblade Master
Sep 26, 2013
I remember a tip from when I first played this game. Looking at Sap's pic reminded me that the best time to do hunts and such is when you have a guest character in your party to make 4 battle characters. That's when you wanna get the most out of that extra party member.

Definitely want to replay this eventually but can't see it being for some time yet.
Likes: Sapientia

Leon Aether

Sep 26, 2013
Corfu, Greece
Ahahahaha!!! That's a good one! Really good! I lauphed hard!

Anyways, good luck in this project too! I hope I'll be able to replay XII sometime. I so want to love this game! Until now I haven't that much. And I don't know why yet... Maybe from your experiences here it will attract me to replay it for a 3rd time...
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Likes: Sapientia


Stiltzkin's Apprentice
Oct 5, 2013
I'd loved to replay this game, but my PS2 died a couple years ago:(. I remember my first playthough took me around 100 hours...such good memories!
Likes: Sapientia


Stiltzkin's Apprentice
Oct 27, 2013
I am really sorry about my late arrival! I was very busy yesterday and I saw the thread but did not have time to sign in, per se.
Also, if you are this site admin I have a question about how the Facebook trophy. I don't know where I need to fill that in. Thank you in advance.
I am also ready to begin Final Fantasy 12. I don't have time to play today but I will try to get the first thirty minutes finished tomorrow, I am really sorry for holding anything up. Yesterday was a very hectic day!
Likes: Sapientia


Stiltzkin's Apprentice
Oct 5, 2013
Has anyone used Penelo in their party? Is there something unique to her that the others don't have? Right now I'm trying to bring Vaan, Balthier, and Penelo up to at least Lv.20 but god, Penelo is just...useless. I mean she's not bad in the magic apartment but right now I'm not warming up to her presence on the battlefield. :/ Balthier, on the other hand, oh my dear pirate man, now he is a work of heaven. :p
I only remember using her as back up for when another character get's K'Od, but yeah she's useless.
For quick leveling, use one or two characters at a time because the EXP gets divided up depending on how many players your using.
Likes: Sapientia


Stiltzkin's Apprentice
Oct 27, 2013
Nope, but I just posted a response to your comment on my profile if you didn't see it. I'm not the site owner or admin or anything like that, not by a long shot! Just a member. And actually, I've been having problems with the Facebook trophy, too, so...no idea.
And whenever you have time, feel free! Don't feel sorry, this isn't timed or I'm not watching you like a hawk! Just play when you want, honestly. I'm just messing around Ozmone Plain for now, not really doing any hardcore playing, you know? :)
Okay, and sorry, I did not know. I can begin playing more tonight today, it should be fun to play it again after so long!


PSICOM Soldier
Sep 27, 2013
I'm kind of curious about one thing...we all know that getting the Zodiac Spear is kind of a troll face on SE's part (come on, just come on), but before you reach the underground sewer area (I don't remember the name, but it's the place you meet Ashe/"Amalia" in at the beginning of the game) does the game give you any hints at all not to open that one treasure chest that screws up your chances?
As far as I can remember, no, there is nothing to hint or turn you away from opening that chest. I pretty much consider it re-play bait, because natural RPG instinct tells us to open all the chests. So after you open it and then find out from a friend/online/stratguide that you weren't supposed to open you're left with either restarting the game or finishing your play through in order to start another one.
Likes: Sapientia


Clan Centurio Member
Oct 4, 2013
World B
As far as I can remember, no, there is nothing to hint or turn you away from opening that chest. I pretty much consider it re-play bait, because natural RPG instinct tells us to open all the chests. So after you open it and then find out from a friend/online/stratguide that you weren't supposed to open you're left with either restarting the game or finishing your play through in order to start another one.
If they're ever gonna remake XII, I hope they remake the International Zodiac Job System version. For one, the whole forbidden chests thing with the Zodiac Spear was taken out.