Possible Button layout from the demo ( According to Verendus from Neogaf)

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May 14, 2014
Springfield, Massachusetts

Again, please don't take as gospel. These are the some of the notes.

Originally Posted by Battle System Notes

- Attack, defend, switch weapon mechanic, magic and teleportation. Two face buttons, three shoulder buttons. Access to one spell, Fire.

- No real point of comparison with the battle system. No jump button in demo. No idea if available in final. Press attack to hit, and hold to string attacks. Defence operates the same. Hold defence to take defensive stance and evade enemies. Can also hold defence and move using the analog. Potential for timed defences in more cluttered battles maybe. Movement entirely in player's control.

- Switching mechanic can be implemented before an attack or in the midst of an attack. Start heavy and strong, go light and fast etc.

- Teleportation works by holding the trigger to target, then releasing which implements the ability. Able to string teleportation and attacks together, with switching mechanic also. Can target enemies or certain points/objects for teleportation. Teleportation available outside of battle. Can't just teleport anywhere.

- Magic similar to teleportation. Hold to charge, target, cast. You can switch targets like teleportation.

- Battle system is based on movement and offence. You move and attack, move and defend. Constantly alternate between attacking, defending, switching mechanic, mixed with teleportation and magic for added flair. Attacks become more varied by switching mechanic. Example: Press Attack, Hold Attack, Switch, Press Attack, Switch, Press Attack, Teleport, Hold Attack, Switch, Teleport etc. Feels cinematic/flashy and plays well. Good potential here for combinations in big battles with more spells/abilities and teleportation.

- Missing meters for abilities and magic as well as UI. Not final. Must be in the final game in some form as no limitations in demo, constantly teleporting and abusing magic.

- Not indicative of the final product. A lot of work yet to be done. More customisation for magic and abilities, and they're still tinkering with the controls for the best overall feeling.

- Combat has a certain weight to it, but it's not slow at all. Feels good, responsive, quick. Game goes into battle mode when threat is detected. Seamless transition.

- Only controlled Noctis, but final game will allow control of characters other than Noctis. No demonstration of this.

Control scheme on the above demo:

R2 = Teleport
L2 = Fire
L1 = Weapon Switch Mechanic
Circle = Attack
X = Defend
L3 = Movement
R3 = Camera

This should give you a decent idea of how the demo in the notes was played.

Some points of difference from above and what they've shown here in the stream demo:

1. No magic targeting indicator anymore from the looks of it. Has this been replaced by automatic lock-on, or is it not present because they're changing how it looks or something? I don't know.
2. There is some form of UI in what they showed now, which wasn't there before. I believe this is not command based due to how the battle system is. One row for each member likely which tells you current actions. You could probably access item or summons off this by pressing back or forward. Again, I don't know this for fact.
3. Further note on the magic. In the demo in the notes, you press L2 to cast. No other button. I imagine in the final game, this will be like Kingdom Hearts instead so you have access to other magic. It wouldn't make much sense otherwise. Again, pure speculation.

The following is all speculation of what I thought it could possibly be like based of the hands-on (and added a little note now based on new UI):

Control Scheme for Battle Mode:

L2 = Magic (+ either Triangle, Circle, Square, or X)
L1 = Weapon Switch Mechanic
R2 = Teleport (or different unique ability for other characters)
R1 = Switch Playable Character
Triangle = Limit Break / Special Attack
Square = Request Ally Assist
Circle = Attack / Enter (for Item or Summon Menu)
X = Defend / Cancel (for Item or Summon Menu)
L3 = Movement
R3 = Camera
Up = Cover
Left = Access Item Menu (off UI)
Right = Access Summon Menu (off UI)
Down = Taunt...

The above control scheme is what I kind of imagined. Noctis uses teleport, switching mechanic, magic and attack to chain attacks.

Other characters would have their own unique ability or play style. For example, for Prompto, shooting is auto-lock on target. You press R2 quickly to change target, or keep it pressed to take manual aim. He could possibly use the switching mechanic also but change to different types of guns. You would still press Circle once for a quick shot, or keep it pressed for continuous shots and then use the switching mechanic to change up your attacks.

Maybe Ignis or Gladiolus receive some other type of ability for R2.

If you access the Item or Summon menu, you have to cancel out of the Item/Summon menu before you can start attacking again, since you're using the same button for enter.

For customisation, I'm hoping for some form of AI settings. You should be able to set them to offensive or defensive, and also give them some form of priority on magic attacks in battle situations. This way, you can balance your party with more defensive and offensive members. In addition to this, you should have some separate customisation for their magic and abilities, so if you take control of them manually, you'll have access to what you set.

This is the battle system I've kind of envisioned in mind for a while now, but chances are I'm completely wrong. It's a lot of speculation based on a barebones experience.

One other thing I hoped for was that we'd be able to activate battle mode manually. If battle mode is activated via threat maybe, then it doesn't need to activate automatically if it's just peaceful animals or beasts. This gives some balance in not every monster being a threat. Some may only become one because you start a fight. You can then explore some places a bit more peacefully and just look, like Jurassic Park. However, if you're a dick, you could press L1 or something to activate the battle menu and start killing the peaceful animals also. The way to control this would be that the battle menu can only be activated when you're in the presence of animals/beasts that can be attacked or are fight compatible. I would really like something like this.​


Keyblade Master
May 18, 2014
Madrid, Spain
I was about to post it as well. BTW, I've never known even if I have seen most of his posts, is Verendus a Sony employee or just a guy that (supposedly) knows people in the industry? Never had that cleared.

The layout sounds reasonable enough. If they really have changed the attack and defense use from a more KH style to this, we should assume they have found some way to keep the controls as deep and 'complex' as before, even if on paper doesn't sound that appealing. Very curious regarding this, even if I normally prefer the input you give everytime you press the button. It's, along with Nomura's departure, the only 'worrying' thing to come out of this TGS.

Magic should work similarly to KH, but I want a big number of spells, so it's gonna be very interesting to see how they manage to have them without generating a clunky and overly complex control scheme. BTW, some people have speculated that the Fire spell varies its strengh according to the player's input: the more you hold the botton, the higher level the spell is (Fire, Fira and Firaga. Fun fact, in Spanish they're called Piro, Piro+ and Piro++).

I still don't really like the (seemingly) lack of jump. It gives dynamism and variety to the battles, and even if I don't want this to be a KH clone either, it's a bit concerning and sad seeing how these things that excited us before and were assumed to be there (Noctis jumps quite a lot in Versus trailers) might have been removed. And also, jumping is good for exploration, especially if you're able to warp around even if it's in fixed places/enemies.

Of course, they still have a year, so I really hope this is their final vision or a similar one. I know we won't get another XIII case in terms of demo compared to final game, but...
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SOLDIER Second Class
May 27, 2014
I can't see jumping being removed. I just don't think they featured it. You can't just be warping all over the place as that would take away SP and it's silly. This should also, I think, help with the supposed concern of it being auto-attack only.

Another bunch of notes Verendus posted:
- Car drives using triggers for accelerate/brake. So you can drive and rotate the camera at the same time to look at everything around you. Not final. Car was taken off-road although I didn't go far with it as this was near the end of my experience. Car reacted well to the off-road terrain, looked good. Handling is okay, like any other non-racing game. Nothing special. Of note, I controlled the car, but Noctis was not in the driver's seat. Likely just a demo thing, or Glasses is a determined driver from birth.

- Two new areas seen.

Sticking point of first area was the atmosphere; the broken road surrounded with desolation. Area had rainfall which added to it all.

Second area was just rocks, hills, and red/brown surroundings. Nothing particularly special here as it was empty. Just looked really nice.

- World is quite expansive, and they've said there are many more areas with a big scale like the ones I've now seen. No details on how they're connecting these areas with towns and dungeons, or how the car would work in terms of entering and exiting these areas.

- Towns are of an impressive scale. Don't even understand what this really means.

- Game is designed to provide choice of approach, to an extent. Huge areas for those who want to spend time exploring, but will allow those who want complete the story to focus and go through at a quicker pace. Idea is best of both worlds for the different types of players.

- Mentioned that players will have access to world at beginning.

- Various set pieces in the game that are interactive, in some cases environmentally, and they want to provide big memorable moments that Final Fantasy was known for. Set pieces in boss battles and outside of them. Almost sounds like there will be some SOTC moment (or moments) in this game with scaling some big monster/boss.


Keyblade Master
May 18, 2014
Madrid, Spain
Damn, I can't read these things without getting hyped as hell.

Especially regarding the part about towns. Why, god, why haven't they shown them in a proper way yet? :( And the approach thing, letting people explore. That's something this series really needs after this past gen. Give me the sense of wonder and scale of XII, please (or even more it seems).

Also, he also speculates about the beginning of the game, and says it'd be cool starting with the car in the world map. I also though about this after watching the trailer, just Noctis and his gang chilling around before entering Lucis and starting the whole mess with the invasion. That could be a really nice tutorial of the game's basics.


Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York
The numbered FF games didn't have any jumping. Why dwell on having this ability now? Just because the combat is hack & slash?
Uh... because it's an important part of combat in a ARPG... LOL
They're going to have jumping, you can ban me from the forums if they don't add it in the demo/final release (oh wait this isn't NeoGAF).
Seriously though... jumping has always been a thing for this game. Explain to me how you're going to get over a fence/guard rail...?

The numbered FF games didn't have jumping because you fought in an INSTANCED AREA WITH NO CONTROL OVER YOUR CHARACTERS MOVEMENTS.

And yes... dwelling on jumping in an ARPG is something that makes sense... lol.


SOLDIER Second Class
May 27, 2014
Just makes no sense to remove jumping. There will definitely be platforming and such and warping all the time seems stupid, lol.


Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York
Warping is just a better substitute in general.

We have haven't seen any platforms to be jumping on in trailers either. The level designs looks as if warping will be used often, not jumping.
Also, warping can be badass. There is so much opportunity to use the ability other than going from one place to another, especially in combat.
Sorry, you're wrong, jumping will be in the game.
I don't care how ignorant this is.


Warrior of Light
Sep 27, 2013
The thing is... jumping kinda makes the game feel, I dunno, more "organic"? It's just that you aren't limited to some things (and before you say something, you are limited to certain objects when teleporting) and jumping allows you to explore a bit more of the world. Also, with this battle system, I see no reason for it not to have a jumping button.
Likes: LeonBlade


May 14, 2014
Springfield, Massachusetts
My thoughts exactly. No way there's no jump or the options to tap buttons as you combo. But other than that this sounds pretty dead-on.
Yeah, the whole automation issue I feel is being deeply read into.

It just sounds like he wants to make the game accessible for all players, that is not to say button tapping is ruled out, in fact it be weird to tap a button for it to not do anything.... :/.


Keyblade Master
May 18, 2014
Madrid, Spain
I'm going to be seriously pissed off if we only get to play as Noctis. Seriously pissed off, it would diminish my excitement A LOT.

What's that crap? If they've (in my opinion wrongfully) gone back from a more KH style to a more "hold X to awesome" just to make it more FF-ish, why the would they remove such thing as simple and iconic as switching/controlling party members? And it's not that they even have a huge cast, so I don't see why would they do that.

Seriously, I hope they explain the battle system much better, because that sounds awfully worrying, with the all the contextual and automatic things.

And please, let the Noctis thing being only a mistranslation or even only for the demo, because man, I can't believe how in two days, my hype has gone from the roof to the ground because of them dramatically changing and removing features that were there from the beginning and that were a big part of the reason why we were so excited.

And it seems like Nomura didn't like the renaming thing, and that this new direction has been basically forced on him (regardless of his skills/lacks of skills as a director).

I know I'm overreacting (it's only a game!), but man, I don't like this shit. No, no.


May 14, 2014
Springfield, Massachusetts
Here is a more likely button layout in terms of the demo that this person came up with ( In a debate about the button holding and what not):

I think that thanks to Neogaf jumping the gun on auto attack/dodge and Verendus' alleged demo leaks, throw in with some mistranslation and just bad wording, the battle system is pretty shaky right now.

EX Arts
Team Attacks
Weapon Switch

Attacks are manually activated. Nothing was said about an auto dodge in the reddit translation. He specifically used the word pressing in regards to attack. Judging by how different and long his attacks are in the demo and trailer, they must be manually performed through timing and direction. Why would the combos be random When Tabata's goal is to give full control? Again, this probably got messed up through mistranslation or bad wording.

Defend works in 3 ways. Hold the button in an idle position and Noctis will block. If you pay attention to Ignis after the fire dash attack he did with Noct, he briefly blocks while standing in one place.

Tap the button while moving and you perform a dodge roll. If you look at Prompto in the demo when gets rainy, you can see him roll backwards without being attacked. The reason why he goes back is because you can probably snap the analog stick backwards to go in the opposite direction that you're running in.

Hold the button while moving and Noctis will 'auto' dodge. Depending on the direction that you move the analog stick in, that's where the dodge will take you. That's why Noctis dodges the exact same attack from the behemoth differently. He dodge rolls in front of the behemoth the first time and dashes to the side mid combo the second time.

Jump works... Like a jump. It isn't as gravity defying as KH though.
We've seen Noctis teleportation high up and he was airborne in the trailer and demo (in the cave and descending from a teleportation point respectively). This can also allow you to jump over enemies. We see Noctis do it mid combo in the demo.

Warping is done by holding the trigger button with Noctis. This will cause the targets to come up. You can flick through them with the right analog stick.

Magic is used by holding down a shoulder button and pressing a face button or a d-pad button to activate magic. Targets come up here as you can see in the demo.

As Tabata says, the weapon switching is set in the deck. However you can choose which weapon to use at any time. If you couldn't, Noctis would not switch to the spear from the exact distance that he was from the enemy using the sword from mid combo. Again, this was probably a translation issue.

I would explain more but the fact that Tabata says that what he said and showed this wasn't a high amount of detail, combined with the fact that we only have so many buttons, I think this is reasonable so far.
Another words only "some" actions require holding a button "while moving the analog stick to dodge in the direction you go for". Also he was able to auto dodge all the small " weak stuff" but the Behemoth or something strong, the "dodge rate" will probably decrease. You could end up fighting a really fast monster that " Dodge timing" or a different tactic may need to be thought of.