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PSICOM Soldier
Sep 26, 2013
I tried Demon's Souls for the first time the other day, and nope, I doubt I'll be spending time with this one. Seems like you need a lot of patience for it. Shame because I really want to get into it but I can see it's only gonna piss me off.
That the point of the game, its more less tells you "Get better, otherwise you suck at playing video games", I have like 5 hours into and I am still learning, but is not for everyone that's for sure.

I am still playing the Puppeteer on PS3 as I am trying to go for the platinum in the game.

Shinigami Frost

Stiltzkin's Apprentice
Sep 28, 2013
The Wife and I are both playing Grand Theft Auto V. (Taking turns, hehe). I'm about 50% though and loving it so far. It's a big step above IV.

Also engaging in nightly Halo 4 MP, mostly SWAT and Action Sack here lately.

Put Kingdom Hearts HD on hold for GTA, will pick that up again soon.

Tales of Xillia and Portal 2 Co-op are on the backburner as well.

Majora's Mask, definitely feels superior than Ocarina of Time. Will play Tales of Xillia when I finish.
I go back and forth. Ocarina of Time surely has the nostalgia factor for me, but the mask system and time mechanics of Majora's Mask are simply amazing...not to mention the general sense of dread during the whole game. Great game.


Balamb Garden Freshman
Sep 26, 2013
Beaten GTA V, very satisfying game. Can't wait to play Rockstar's next open world game (Didn't like Max Payne). Currently playing Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD ReMix. I think this is the best HD Remaster I've seen.


Balamb Garden Freshman
UFFSite Veteran
Sep 29, 2013
Animal Crossing New Leaf, damn! Post your friend codes I wanna come shake your trees!! 3840-5598-5189!
Likes: Caius

soup or mann

PSICOM Soldier
UFFSite Veteran
Sep 29, 2013
Playing Sleeping Dogs and enjoying it very much so. Also playing Lost Odyssey again on 360 and Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus on Vita.


Sep 29, 2013
Switching between KH 1.5 and FF XIV. Trying to plat the former (The whole thing before LR comes out is my goal), and the latter is just fantastic and takes up all of my time.


Balamb Garden Freshman
Oct 9, 2013
TOO MANY - To be short I'm causally playing FFXIV whenever I'm casually listening to a podcast on my PC, I'm streaming the games that I'm playing on my consoles, which lately has been Tales of Xillia, Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix and Beyond: Two Souls (won't be streaming Beyond just yet).

and on my Xbox360 I've been streaming my good old Jet Set Radio Future from Xbox and whatever falls from my pile...probably start playing more Halo 4 when I get around to it, after I stream some Tales of Vesperia Perhaps.

EDIT: Oh yes and I forgot Blazblue CSE on my PS Vita and Kid Icarus, FE: Awakening, SMT IV and Devil Summoner Soul Hackers on my 3DS.


Balamb Garden Freshman
Oct 9, 2013
Right now I'm enjoyng my Kingdom Hearts experience must say that KH2.5 edition can't come soon enough. And while I'm not hanging around with Goofy and Donald I do what I can to be a criminal mastermind of Los Santos.
I tried Demon's Souls for the first time the other day, and nope, I doubt I'll be spending time with this one. Seems like you need a lot of patience for it. Shame because I really want to get into it but I can see it's only gonna piss me off.
This. Oh, how I wanted to love this game. It had almost everything - the mystery, the design and the lore. But it didn't value my comitment and time.


Network Boss-man
UFFSite Veteran
Site Staff
Jul 25, 2013
Solihull, UK
Currently playing Pokemon X & Y and Sonic: Lost World. Both pretty great in very different ways. Can't actually talk about the latter in detail yet!

Finished Beyond: Two Souls last week. Really disappointed, it sadly feels like a swing and a miss for me.


Sep 28, 2013
Oldenburg, GERMANY
After having currently replayed Tomb Raider Legend and Tomb Raider Anniversary, I am currently replaying Tomb Raider Underworld. Skipping all the treasures for now but then plan to go through each level again in Treasure Hunter mode to focus on obtaining them.

I already platinumed all three games so I dont have to worry about trophies. Personally I am not a "Trophy Whore" and I dont play games solely for trophies as those who have like 50 platinum trophies or something, but if I have completed a game for story, then I always like to obtain as many trophies as possible and go for the platinum. Sometimes however getting a platinum is just way too hard and I can determine pretty early if I will be able to get platinum or not. If I know I can do it, then I´ll definitely put in all the work thats necessary and dont give up when it becomes challenging but if I know from the get go its too tough, I´ll just try to obtain as many as possible.

That being said, trophies are a great motivating bonus for me that immensely add to to replay value and longtime fun with a game but they are never nor will they be my primary reason for playing a game. When I play a game for the first time, I almost dont pay attention to trophies at all. Thats all post-story fun for me. I will never be a player who will have like 50 platinum trophies and be Lv. 40 or something but I still feel pretty good for having 9 platinum ones under my belt ;) I especially try to platinum the games that I love the most.

My platinum trophies so far are Tomb Raider Legend, Tomb Raider Anniversary, Tomb Raider Underworld, God of War, God of War II, Final Fantasy XIII-2, Resident Evil 5, Resident Evil 6 and Tekken Tag Tournament 2.