After having currently replayed Tomb Raider Legend and Tomb Raider Anniversary, I am currently replaying Tomb Raider Underworld. Skipping all the treasures for now but then plan to go through each level again in Treasure Hunter mode to focus on obtaining them.
I already platinumed all three games so I dont have to worry about trophies. Personally I am not a "Trophy Whore" and I dont play games solely for trophies as those who have like 50 platinum trophies or something, but if I have completed a game for story, then I always like to obtain as many trophies as possible and go for the platinum. Sometimes however getting a platinum is just way too hard and I can determine pretty early if I will be able to get platinum or not. If I know I can do it, then I´ll definitely put in all the work thats necessary and dont give up when it becomes challenging but if I know from the get go its too tough, I´ll just try to obtain as many as possible.
That being said, trophies are a great motivating bonus for me that immensely add to to replay value and longtime fun with a game but they are never nor will they be my primary reason for playing a game. When I play a game for the first time, I almost dont pay attention to trophies at all. Thats all post-story fun for me. I will never be a player who will have like 50 platinum trophies and be Lv. 40 or something but I still feel pretty good for having 9 platinum ones under my belt

I especially try to platinum the games that I love the most.
My platinum trophies so far are Tomb Raider Legend, Tomb Raider Anniversary, Tomb Raider Underworld, God of War, God of War II, Final Fantasy XIII-2, Resident Evil 5, Resident Evil 6 and Tekken Tag Tournament 2.