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Keyblade Master
Sep 26, 2013
@yeah_93 Finished up MGS2 again, and I am reminded of why I think the underlying message behind the story rings incredibly true more so than ever in present day. It was surely ahead of its time. Very tough to have to pick a fave between the games, because the Naked Snake-Boss relationship was told so well in MGS3, but the powerful message of MGS2's digital age censorship, and how governments really don't have the power people think they do, means I'd probably put MGS2 above MGS3 at this moment. It has made me want to replay MGS1 and MGS4 now. Hopefully before I one day pick up MGS5.

Currently playing:

Hotline Miami 2
DOA5 Last Round


Keyblade Master
Sep 26, 2013

Finishing up 2 and 3 has made me go back to a new game on this. Never actually beat the original PS1 game (I did the GC version, though), so playing through it on PSP. Then I'll get round to MGS4 again. Been years since I played that.
I started playing Dark Souls again today, after urging from my friend who's a big fan of the Souls series. I've tried playing it a couple times before but ultimately gave up because I was terrible at it and couldn't make any progress. So far I've been doing okay this time, but I remember the beginning areas very well, so I'll have to see how I manage when I make it past the point I gave up. I really like the game itself though. The levels are pretty fun to explore and the combat is super satisfying. Everything seems to have weight to it (aside from the ragdoll bodies, which are hilarious). The first time I killed a Black Knight, my hands were shaking. lol My only complaint is I wish I didn't have to battle the camera and targeting system sometimes.

Also I always end up "defeating" the Taurus Demon by watching him leap backwards off the bridge. Kind of anti-climatic, but quite amusing.
Nov 17, 2014
I'm playing Deus Ex again for the 4th time, then Deus Ex: Invisible War again, and then Deus: Human Revolution again. All this buzz about the new game of the series, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, makes me want to recall almost every details of the past 3 games.


Keyblade Master
Sep 26, 2013

Doing a new SSB league competition with the guys at Cubed3. Won 6 of 8, with 2 matches left. Way above my expectations lol.

Shin Kazama

Sphere Hunter
UFFSite Veteran
Oct 30, 2013
Started a new character in FFXIV so I've been playing that again lately. Also started Project X Zone and I'm replaying Super Mario 64 on Wii U.


Sphere Hunter
Mar 18, 2015
Currently playing:
- Tales of Vesperia (Flynn solo run)
- FFXIII LR Challenge Run
- Sen no Kiseki II
- KH: BbS (Actually have never played this before.)

Possibly gonna replay:
- FFIX (for Ozma solo)
- Sora no Kiseki FC
- FFX-2 HD (got around 90% completion last time I played, the completionist in me wants that 100%)


UFFSite Veteran
Oct 7, 2013
Rosebud, SD
I plan on getting into FF XIV this summer with a friend however, before I continued too deeply into another game in the series I felt liked I owed it to the series and myself to go back and finish the games or even play through some of the titles I missed out on.

I've played I, IV, V, VII, VIII, IX, X, X-2, and XII all the way through so now I'm working through VI and I am honestly having fun. I really wish I had more time for it but, I'm on sort of a time table not to mention I missed so many spells and items from the world of Balance it wouldn't mean anything to try and get through all of the World of Ruin side quests. when it wouldn't be a pure 100% run to begin with. Especially, after realizing, much like with FFV, there is an advance version of VI out there already that is much more worth the time playing the game to 100% to experience the extra content in the best possible way.

As we speak I'm power leveling the top characters in the game in the forest outside Jidoor in the WoR and I'll hopefully be done with VI by this evening if not tomorrow.

Leon Gehste

Stiltzkin's Apprentice
Apr 16, 2015
FFXIV mostly, think i have a problem >_>, been trying to replay .hack series and Star Ocean series but keep getting side tracked from FFXIV also trying to play Pokemon Heartgold and finish FFXIII Lightning Returns and Final Fantasy Type 0. So many games so little time and soon the FFXIV expansion ._.


Apr 11, 2015
Infamous: Second Son (platinum trophy acquired)
Dragon Quest Heroes (first play through)
Bloodborne (first play through)
Destiny (first play through)

MGSV: GZ (game doesn't seem to be working)
Persona 4 The Golden (first play through)

(⌒-⌒; )
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Clan Centurio Member
UFFSite Veteran
Nov 22, 2013
Kanagawa, Japan
Xenoblade X. I've put in 45 hours so far and I feel like I've barely scraped the surface. (Currently between Ch. 5 and 6)

I want to dress all my male characters in thongs but the requirements for making that armor are steep. Such little cloth, so many materials...
Likes: Rin


May 15, 2014
Westminster, Maryland
FFXIV mostly, think i have a problem >_>, been trying to replay .hack series and Star Ocean series but keep getting side tracked from FFXIV also trying to play Pokemon Heartgold and finish FFXIII Lightning Returns and Final Fantasy Type 0. So many games so little time and soon the FFXIV expansion ._.
I hear ya there. I have Star Ocean 4, FF13, Persona 4 Golden, FF Type-O, FFXV Demo (Want to mes around with that more), and if get it tomorrow Omega Quintet.
Likes: Rin
Jun 7, 2014
Tales of Graces f
The combat system makes it incredibly fun to play. Currently most games tend to streamline their combat, but this one isn't afraid to be complex and even a bit overwhelming. And it works perfectly. Unfortunately, everything else ranges from mediocre to outright bad. The story is uninteresting and full of padding. 20 hours in I'm not even sure what it's about. There's some war, lots of friendship and pink Hatsune Miku with amnesia.