Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Nov 17, 2014
Either way, we should see a blowout of info at E3 2015.
Yeah, hopefully the demo can occupy my mind without thinking of the full game release.
Although, there are tons of great releases before June arrives. And by the time E3 2015 comes,
hopefully Square Enix won't extinguish my hype for this game. And for that to happen, they should top
what they did at E3 2013. It's like the candle is fading out, and they need to rekindle the light.


Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York

Here is a quick map analysis I did to get a scale for the region. I shifted the decimal numbers of the relative grid location to remove decimal places. Notice here that the line effectively takes up the entire diagonal of one of these grid spaces (ignoring the mid points). I included the 260m on screen that was shown as a waypoint when they placed this waypoint on the map. This means that the distance between these two points is 260 meters. Knowing this, we can easily find that the length and width of these cubes is roughly 183.85 meters in each direction. This means, each cube is 183.56 square meters, and with a 10 by 8 grid that makes this 2,693,780 square meters or better expressed as 2.69 square kilometers. So... if the full map is between 10 and 20 times the size of the Duscae region...


Warrior of Light
Oct 9, 2014

Knowing this, we can easily find that the length and width of these cubes is roughly 183.85 meters in each direction. This means, each cube is 183.56 square meters, and with a 10 by 8 grid that makes this 2,693,780 square meters or better expressed as 2.69 square kilometers. So... if the full map is between 10 and 20 times the size of the Duscae region...
Thats only an estimation, not something really accuarate. Also the world map shown in the tech demo videos suggest something way bigger.


Warrior of Light
May 27, 2014
"Although, there are tons of great releases before June arrives."
what they did at E3 2013. It's like the candle is fading out, and they need to rekindle the light.
Yeah we have Bloodborne, Persona 5 Xenoblade X, Wicther 3, MGSV, Starfox U and Zelda U to keep us occupied until FFXV comes out


Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York
Thats only an estimation, not something really accuarate. Also the world map shown in the tech demo videos suggest something way bigger.
Isn't that the idea? It's an estimate, I'm not trying to get an exact number here, one of my numbers can take the size of the map from under 400 sq km to over 1000 so it's just for discussion...

I've done other estimates in the past. If it takes roughly 1 hour to cross the Duscae region as was stated before, assuming Noctis travels at a pace of 3 miles (4.83 kilometers) per hour, accounting for distance traveled diagonal across the region and other obstacles 2.69 sq km actually sounds about right for the region as moving diagonally across the space would be traveling within roughly 2.3 sq km region of space which lines up close to the numbers I estimated here, off only by 690 square meters.

Besides, the 2.69 square kilometers is fairly accurate given that it was taken directly from the sources in the demonstration today.

We don't know how big the region is, we'll just have to wait and see, but it's still nice to speculate, isn't it?

Crystal Power

Keyblade Master
Nov 29, 2013
United States
Well, I don't have anything big to say or any helpful info to give. I just wanted to say the live stream walkthrough looked amazing, I won't be able to have a PS4 or Type-0 in time of the demo's release...

But I look forward to watching everyone else play (Youtube uploads) and hopefully someone will upload the music as well. :)

Prince Naphtali

Dec 23, 2013
I made a few additions to the world map of Final Fantasy XV that look plausible imo. So what do you think?
Isn't the accordo the region/kingdom like Lucis? I thought that the city was Altissia because of the trailers with luna had similar background to the one of the 2013 e3 trailer when noctis and co are fighting in that Dining room. And that Insomnia was the name of the Lucis city (the gray box area)?


Blitzball Champion
Sep 8, 2014
Isn't the accordo the region/kingdom like Lucis? I thought that the city was Altissia because of the trailers with luna had similar background to the one of the 2013 e3 trailer when noctis and co are fighting in that Dining room. And that Insomnia was the name of the Lucis city (the gray box area)?
Accordo and Lucis are both nations, yes. Insomnia is the crown city of Lucis and I'm also guessing that Altissia is the main part of Accordo. But we don't know how big the cities and/or the nations really are that's why I wrote the names of the nations on the map.
May 26, 2014
What was up with the sound? It was like they were talking into tin cans or something.

Anyway, it looks fantastic. I think I have a good grasp of how the HP and revival system works now, and of course combat as well.


Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York

Name『ブラッドソード』(Blood Sword)
Ability『ドレイン剣』(Sword Drain)
- Steals life from target to regain HP.

Name 『飛竜の槍』(Wyvern Spear)
Ability 『ジャンプ』(Jump)
- Leaps high in the air to deliver a heavy attack on your enemy.

Name 『ツバイハンダー』 (Zweihander)
Ability 『テンペスト』 (Tempest)
- Strike with gale force winds.

Name パルチザン (Partisan)
Ability ヘヴィスウスト (Heavy Thrust)
- Strike forward closing the gap between you and your enemy for a deadly attack.
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