FFXV discussion thread [No Spoilers]

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Stiltzkin's Apprentice
Dec 28, 2016
Hey Everyone! I don't know if an answer to this would be considered spoiler but I have completed the game and a question still comes to my mind now that I am starting a New Game+....In the beginning of the game Noctis seems to have some resentment or frustration towards his father, I was wondering what is the root of this? Was it beecause of the events of Kingsglaive (running away from the attack on Tenebrae) or was it from discussing peace with Niflheim?

I do apologize if any of that is considered spoiler but thy are both events that are in the beginning of each title. Thank you for replies and your time.
Likes: Storm


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
Hey Everyone! I don't know if an answer to this would be considered spoiler but I have completed the game and a question still comes to my mind now that I am starting a New Game+....In the beginning of the game Noctis seems to have some resentment or frustration towards his father, I was wondering what is the root of this? Was it beecause of the events of Kingsglaive (running away from the attack on Tenebrae) or was it from discussing peace with Niflheim?

I do apologize if any of that is considered spoiler but thy are both events that are in the beginning of each title. Thank you for replies and your time.
i think he was conflicted as he had to suddenly take great responsability, when his father could have warned him.

Interesting item description, which you acquire right after chapter 9, never noticed that:
really interesting, even because you find
this weapon on a different continent, and not in lucis

man wouldn't cost nothing for them to add more lore, its almost absent.


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
finally defeated the
bros on the final trial
holy shit that was intense.

aegis shield is a bless, picking the right acessories is crucial.
Last edited:
Nov 8, 2014
i think he was conflicted as he had to suddenly take great responsability, when his father could have warned him
yep i am pretty sure the story frames his attitude in a frustrated light because he is forced to understand the rationale of this path Regis left for him. At first he doesn't want to change and adapt to it but over the course of the game he appreciates the need for that change. we begin with resistance and end with acceptance.
Likes: Storm
Oct 19, 2013

new ultimania details:

When asked about Ifrit's role in the story and why he decided to unleash the Starscourge after falling out with the other five gods, Tabata answered "Sorry, I don't know the details". =/

A character called "Safay Roth" was cut during development. He was a Niflheim general and his role ended up being filled with traces of Ardyn's character. The "SAF" letters in the Niflheim ships were left in the final designs to honor this general that never made it to the final game.

Prompto Besithia was adopted when he was one year old by the Argentum family of Lucis.

Ardyn's timeline

timeline from 34 years prior to the start of the game

34 years ago:
Entered Nifleheim Empire
Proposed the development of Magitek soldiers. Used this to take office as Chancellor.

31 years ago:
Introduced magitek soldiers into the war between Nifleheim and Lucis

10 years ago:
Contact made with the Lucis general Drautos.

11 years ago:
Suppressed Shiva in ice in the Groves Valley

Immediately before events of main series:

Visited the kingdom of Insomnia to propose a cease-fire.

Lunafreya’s timeline:

0 years:
Born as the eldest daughter. Gentiana settles with the Fleuret family.

12 years:
Noctis visits Tennabrae to receive healing.
Nifelheim attacks and Luna’s mother is killed by Sir Glaucca.

13 years
Told by Shiva about the covenants.

16 years:
Thank-you letter sent to Prompto for Pryna’s safety
First covenant with a god entered.

24 years
Engagement to Noctis via the empire. (I think? This one is a bit blurry)
Traveled to Lucis’ capital of Insomnia.

"i don't know" lol, really dissapointed with his awnser
Hmm that was a disappointing answer coming from him. I have heard that he is receiving flack for that back in Japan. Dunno if that's true or not.

I do wonder if all of this info will be added, and if so, how?

This stuff is already a good foundation for them to work from I think.

As for Prompto's parents, so they adopted him yet left him alone a lot of the time.

Oh dear, child protection services would like to have a few words with them lol
Tabata never said "I don't know the details.". Somebody on the internet misunderstood the bit translated by someone else. Classic misunderstanding, and it's funny how quick people with confirmation bias jumped down Tabata's throat with comments like "I knew he never cared for the game! His apathy ruined it." etc.

What it actually meant in the Ultimania was that in the game world's history/lore of Eos Ifrit's motivation for his betrayal isn't known in detail to humans. There are no historical records of those events.

See this post in the other thread on Mognet that clarified the mistranslation:
Of course.

The 6 Gods, entities who watched over the world through the millennia.
The mythology that completes Eos speaks of six Gods. They are entities that bestowed powers upon Kings and Oracles. The six Gods created a shining ring that was passed down through generations as proof of the King, in turn their connection to the Royal Lucis family is profound.
They use a language unknown to ordinary man and the only beings able to directly communicate with the Gods are limited to beings like Oracles and envoys of the Gods.
In the legend regarding the Scar of Terupa(?)*, the battle of the remaining Gods, the [Great Demon War], it is said that the origin of the war resonated from the God of Flame Ifrits betrayal. However, it is not known in detail.
*Perhaps I missed it in-game. It says テルパの爪跡. Not sure what テルパ(terupa) means. Don't tell me though. I'll figure it out myself.

This is an explanation in the lore. Not Tabata talking. Someone was trying really hard to stir up a storm.

In regards to the response to this from Japanese fans...

They are not flaming their pitchforks and flames at Tabata, but rather the half-assed explanation.
Though some are saying that this goes with the lore. Like this happened in the ancient times and the records of the legends were lost over the millennia resulting in missing details. Saying that this makes sense.
However some are also criticizing for the lack of explanation in character motives. Like what betrayal? Why a betrayal? When? How?

Think of it as what you want. But this has nothing to do with Tabata saying ''I didn't know''.


Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
Tabata never said "I don't know the details.". Somebody on the internet misunderstood the bit translated by someone else. Classic misunderstanding, and it's funny how quick people with confirmation bias jumped down Tabata's throat with comments like "I knew he never cared for the game! His apathy ruined it." etc.

What it actually meant in the Ultimania was that in the game world's history/lore of Eos Ifrit's motivation for his betrayal isn't known in detail to humans. There are no historical records of those events.

See this post in the other thread on Mognet that clarified the mistranslation:
Yeah I read that it was a mistranslation afterwards.

I do think that people claiming "I knew he never cared about the game" is taking it a bit too far imo.

From how he's managed and run the project, it's quite obvious he cares quite a lot about making the game a success.

It's usually people who are Versus 13 worshippers who like to bash him relentlessly.


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
Yeah I read that it was a mistranslation afterwards.

I do think that people claiming "I knew he never cared about the game" is taking it a bit too far imo.

From how he's managed and run the project, it's quite obvious he cares quite a lot about making the game a success.

It's usually people who are Versus 13 worshippers who like to bash him relentlessly.
he cared enough to look after sakaguchi and talk with him about the franchise.
Likes: Jubileus


Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
he cared enough to look after sakaguchi and talk with him about the franchise.
Multiple times too to boot.

Also restructuring the corporate heirarchy is a major move in a Japanese work environment, all because he wanted everyone to work to their full potential.

You can't hear about these things and say he doesn't care.

Haters I swear... smh


Warrior of Light
Jul 14, 2015
Have you tired using the shield and flame sword or lighning greatsword on them? Works like a charm whenever i meet those fuckers.
Likes: Storm


Warrior of Light
Jul 14, 2015
Honestly i wish we were allowed to re-visit Cartanica, yeah limited environments and all but it felt really comfy & somber to indulge in for me. The dungeon was crazy good too imo.

Fucking loved the slow misery-ridden music too.


Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
Honestly i wish we were allowed to re-visit Cartanica, yeah limited environments and all but it felt really comfy & somber to indulge in for me. The dungeon was crazy good too imo.

Fucking loved the slow misery-ridden music too.
The music in the dining car was so miserable yet glorious. Loved that jazzy vibe.

Gladio and Ignis sitting right there looking depressed, and the diner serving shitty food really emphasized just how good you had it when Ignis was cooking meals for you. Nothing else could compare.