Mainline Final Fantasy Composer - Who Shall Be Next?

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Who do you want creating music for the next mainline Final Fantasy?

  • Yoko Shimomura (Final Fantasy XV)

    Votes: 4 25.0%
  • Nobuo Uematsu (Final Fantasy I- X, XIV)

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • Hitoshi Sakimoto (Final Fantasy XII, Tactics, Vagrant Story)

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • Masashi Hamauzu (Final Fantasy XIII trilogy)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Naoshi Mizuta (Final Fantasy XI)

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • Takeharu Ishimoto (Final Fantasy Type-0)

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • Masayoshi Soken (A Realm Reborn, Heavensward)

    Votes: 3 18.8%
  • Collaboration/Other

    Votes: 3 18.8%

  • Total voters


Warrior of Light
May 2, 2016
Music is one of the key elements of the entire Final Fantasy franchise, and it has enabled the series to gain repute beyond the confines of mere games. From Uematsu to Shimomura, the mainline Final Fantasy titles have showcased the abilities of multiple composers, who have in turn often also contributed to spin-off media. With the release of XV fast approaching, we expect that Shimomura's first Final Fantasy composition will be more than stunning, and perhaps go down as both one of her great works and one of the Final Fantasy series' best. But what next?

The inevitable Final Fantasy XVI has yet to take form in the public eye, so let's throw out our wishes - who do we want composing for the next mainline Final Fantasy title. In the poll above are a few of the most recognizable names that have graced the series, and I've included a few that have so far been restricted to spin-offs as they have made a mark far beyond their respective titles. I've also included only the strongest, with their representative titles next to them in the poll. And if you have a possible composer in the "Collaboration/Other" category, please voice your thoughts. Who knows who Square Enix may choose to next hold the series' musical baton.

Please vote, comment, and speculate...
Oct 19, 2013
Had discussed this before on GAF. I'm gonna just quote myself:

Naoshi Mizuta should be the next composer based on his FFXIII-2 and LR work.

Mizuta is the closest you get to Uematsu in that his music is more "memorable"/simpler (not in a bad way, just not particularly complex like Hamauzu/Sakimoto).
At first I felt he was too similiar to Uematsu but after FF Dimensions, FFXIII-2 and LR I really started liking his work more and more. It's a pretty good compromise between Uematsu's and Hamauzu's styles.
I have to admit, with a few of Mizuta's FFXIII-2 and LR songs I sometimes couldn't tell if it was him, Suzuki or Hamauzu and this means a lot coming from a huge stan of latter like me^^ Mizuta's good at "emulating" Hamauzu and Suzuki which makes everything a bit more coherent.

Here are some of his better songs:


FF Dimensions (really Uematsu-esque, though deliberately --- EDIT: Now that I think about it: it's not really that similiar to Uematsu; Mizuta definitely has his own sound here and I like it):
Likes: Storm


Warrior of Light
May 2, 2016
I've got a serious soft spot for Sakimoto. With modern technology and Basiscape behind him, he could create something truly incredible.


SOLDIER, First Class
Mar 27, 2016
Uematsu and Shimomura colab is the only way!

Found FFXIII trilogy ost pretty forgettable and not very 'FF' minus a few tracks.
FFXIII bloody nailed it though with the final boss fight music:


Warrior of Light
Oct 9, 2014
Collaboration between Yoko Shimomura and Kow Otani.
Despite Final Fantasy being my N°1 videogame franchise most of the music while being pretty good when hearing they just simply don´t tend to stick in my mind (with the exception of few selective pieces) and here is where Shimomura comes in, most of her composition in the Kingdom Hearts series sticks with me.
Her most best composition would likely be Dearly Beloved, all versions from the Kingdom Hearts games. They give me goosebumps.
My music experience with Kow Otani is very limited, I only know him for 1 thing, he was the composer of Shadow of the Colossus (my second favourite game of all time). What I liked the most about his work in that game was how his pieces had this sense of scale, epic and tragedy written on them.
The better pieces from that game:
Oct 19, 2013

Naoshi Mizuta all the way.

Mitsuto Suzuki would be sweet as well.
*high five*

I love Suzuki's work on FFXIII-2 and LR. The Mobius: FF soundtrack is great too. I actually can't believe nobody at SE thought of having him make some nice Electronica songs for an original car radio channel in FFXV. Such a wasted opportunity.
Likes: Storm


Warrior of Light
May 2, 2016
My music experience with Kow Otani is very limited, I only know him for 1 thing, he was the composer of Shadow of the Colossus (my second favourite game of all time). What I liked the most about his work in that game was how his pieces had this sense of scale, epic and tragedy written on them.
Yeah, that's Otani, he's usually scored films and anime more than video games. And I agree with you, SotC has one of the great video game scores. Coming up in my books of favorite big band VG scores alongside Tales of Legendia and TR Angel of Darkness.


Warrior of Light
May 2, 2016
@SonOfEtro Not sure if you just forgot or if you intentionally left it off, but Ishimoto also did Crisis Core, which I think is worth mentioning.
It was me forgetting. I do know he did Crisis Core. He also did Before Crisis and The World Ends With You. I was choosing recognised recent works for the spin-off composers, and notable mainline entries for the others.

Whoever did the music for Brave Exvius.
It was Noriyasu Agematsu. He's also worked as composer for the entire Chaos Rings series.
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I would like for them to pick a composer whose stylistic musings would best fit the game they're trying to make.

That being said, out of the former FF composers, my pick would be Hitoshi Sakimoto and his team at BASISCAPE. I heard some people argue that he doesn't quite stand out, but his (and BASISCAPE's) compositions were spot-on in every game they were featured in.

My personal "fantasy football" style picks though would be Keiichi Okabe (and his team, MONACA) of NieR/Drakengard fame or a collaboration between Chrono Trigger's Yasunori Mitsuda (who, if I may be so blunt, REALLY needs to be heard in a big project again), Tales of Legendia's/Zestiria's Go Shiina (aka "the good Tales composer") and either Austin Wintory, who worked on Abzû, The Banner Saga and Journey, or ACE+, who already teamed up with Mitsuda (and Shimomura) on Xenoblade Chronicles for the Wii.
Likes: SonOfEtro