No I'm simply someone who actually followed the development of Versus and XV since the very start of its public reveal, whereas Versus fanboys like you and Vallen consistently pull shit straight out of your ass and make shit up about Versus and XV just so you can prop up Nomura for whatever reason. Things in FFXV trailers that Tabata showed from 2014 to the final game for the actual game were repurposed with other likewise scenes if they were even changed at all, the Dawn trailer was never stated as being a "game trailer" which is why it was even named "Dawn" trailer specifically with its own name like that, because it was created for the sake of being a trailer, much like the Omen trailer was too, the same way those 2006 and 2008 FF Versus XIII CG trailers were made simply as CG trailers and not actual things from a game that would have even been used in a game, like even if Versus was still made none of those CG scenes from 2006/2008 would have ever been used because every single character design had changed by 2010 and characters like Ardyn, Aranea, Cid, Cindy, Gentiana, Iris, Umbra, Verstael were not even created until 2010 at the earliest. And even one of the scenes from the Dawn trailer with Luna was redone for the game too, so was the meeting Cindy scene, so was Luna sitting in that room Altissia, so was Noctis and co camping, so was Noctis and co driving in Lestallum, so was Noctis and co in Duscae, so was Noctis going up against Titan who was about to step on him, so was Noctis and co fighting Aranea at a Niflheim base, so was Noctis walking inside the train while blizzard is blowing inside etc.
Hell I even made a recreation of the E3 2013 trailer using stuff from the final game and one scene from Kingsglaive, which itself was partially used in the final game anyway. And there is still like for like stuff following the same basic story beats that the game was presented to having with the same relationships between characters in the game as the 2013 trailer presented it as having.
That scene of the airships heading to Altissia was originally a Kingsglaive CG scene, it was shown in some behind the scenes footage as being a scrapped scene from Kingsglaive, and a scene similar to that was used in the final game only not as CG. I watched all of Yong Yea's vids and even corrected him on multiple things he got wrong because he was reading mistranslated interviews in the vids which he addressed in follow up vids. You really don't know what the hell you are even talking about.
They did a bunch of CG tests and had been doing them since 2013 well into 2014 and 2015, we only didn't know Kingsglaive was already in production all that time but it was, and that is what most of that CG was actually for.
In a 2016 bts vid they showed this CG of the airships flying and it was explicitly stated as actually being a part of Kingsglaive test CG.
Same as this
In 2014 we saw an early version of that Airship flying to Altissia shot mixed in with the trailer, but that was before Kingsglaive had been announced but still well after it was into production.
XV has a ton of build up, it's the primary reason why the main four bros are so consistently and widespread praised and why the ending has so much emotional impact because of how well they are setup and how well it's payed off, seems like here again you really don't know what the hell you are talking about while you also have barely any understanding over the actual story in XV, let alone FF itself if you think that the sidequests in XV are somehow any different than the kind of things you did in older FFs.
What story arc is blatantly missing? Who ever said that Jared was important? Who ever said that Clarus was important? Why did Ifrit need to be mentioned to understand that he was an Astral, which is apparant from the Cosmogony book you read in Chapter 1 anyway? You do know that the update patch is literally just showing pages from the Cosmogony book, right? Not a "slide show", how is them adding in a scene like that or the one in Ch13v2 any different than FF7 adding in the scene of Cloud and Zack going to Midgar or the other scenes that were not in the Japanese launch version of FF7?
KH is so barebones compared to anything in XV that if you honestly think that any KH has as much story in it as XV has in just XV alone then you are completely and utterly talking out of your ass. Not a single character has any character development in KH1, Kairi has less screentime in KH1 than Luna does, the main villain for the KH franchise is not even properly introduced until a fucking PREQUEL on a handheld, Riku doesn't get any character development again until KH3D, Sora still has no character development, it took 5 games for Kairi to get any character development, and really all that happened was she now can use a Keyblade, like what the fuck? Even Talcott has more character development than that and he has less screentime than Kairi has.
What does that have to do with anything? There's one thing that I'm done with tolerating and it's annoying Nomura/Versus/KH fanboys that constantly spout shit just to prop up Nomura while taking desperate pot shots any chance they can get at XV, because they're/you are still jealous that XV turned out better with Tabata than it ever would have under Nomura, and you literally cannot deal with that fact.