The chances of Final Fantasy XV being at TGS 2014???

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Final Fantasy XV at TGS 2014?

  • It's totally going to be there!

    Votes: 13 35.1%
  • I am undecided if it will be shown there.

    Votes: 15 40.5%
  • It won't be shown there...

    Votes: 6 16.2%
  • CAN't yU SEE ThIsS GAme won'T eVer RELEASE!!!

    Votes: 3 8.1%

  • Total voters


SOLDIER Second Class
May 27, 2014
No. Squirrel Emperor does not mean SE as in Square Enix. (Is that what you're thinking?)

When it comes to FFXV, I imagine many view me somewhere along the lines of a pessimist or realist. Rarely an optimist.
Exactly what I was thinking! moreso there was a sudden switch in the mood and that seemed... suspicious?

And yes, I remember you from that old FF site., I think.


Knight of Death
May 28, 2014
You don't know me very well do you? :)
I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt. For all I know you could've heard something that bought you to think it'd be there. As long as you're not a troll I got no problem with people on the next. But the whole reason I avoid most forums even ones about games I like, is for people who like to play mind games or start arguements to stroke their ego. I just want to show up here, find out what's new with 15 or Type0 and that's it.

Thing is, I've got no reasons to believe XV is going to make a major appearance. I won't deny that I'd very much want for a new trailer and new info, with release window and everything, but for now, my money is on betting it's not going to be there; if anything, something minor.
Fair point. If not a release date, I want them to do a who spread of info on villain names and any non-spoiler info about their past or personality. Hopefully in January we'll get dates during some all Square expo or con.
Likes: Azuardo


Network Boss-man
UFFSite Veteran
Site Staff
Jul 25, 2013
Solihull, UK
I don't know what to expect, Hashimoto said something among the lines of "come to Tokyo and you'll see!", but they aren't precisely the most trustworthy guys around.

I want to be optimistic, though, and say that it'll at least show up, even if it's just 5 new seconds :p

BTW, something I've seen on Twitter:

According to the replies, it looks like it's a game by S-E and that we'll know mid September (that is, around TGS). It might end up being nothing (or be related to other games, like XIV or KH II.5), but hey, who knows?
For what it's worth, Shimomura has almost exclusively used the Tokyo Philharmonic in the past, so I'd be very surprised if this was 15.

Crystal Power

Keyblade Master
Nov 29, 2013
United States
Wow, optimism can be quite contagious! Thanks Squirrel Emperor. I'm having a feeling it will be shown there, to the point where it wouldn't make since not to show up. But with that said, even if it doesn't show up I am still looking forward to Tokyo Game Show. I hope to see many Japanese games on consoles, since people (myself included) fear smartphones and mobile is taking over Japan...


SOLDIER Second Class
May 27, 2014

At the very least, compared to E3 when most insiders were saying "no. it won't be here." there's more for it being here than against.


SOLDIER Second Class
May 27, 2014
Hmm I'll bet on it being at TGS proper. Seems to be what the mood/atmosphere around implies (If it's there). Although it would be great if we got some sort of teaser or surprise.