Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
Whoa really? Where? I missed that bit!

Also this happened to me in Comrades?? Was making edits to my guy and when I finished he fell through the map lol
after i unlocked a new power station (by doing the lvl70 quest in caem) weskham came to talk to cid, then i went up with the elevator and the two were talking about random stuff, reminiscing the past...

also theres a mini-sidequest with cindy

that glitch happened to me once lol

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Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013

new concept arts from the book Official Works
early shiva and turbined car with the Versus XIII model

full artwork of Bahamut and Odin?

artwork of the Kings of Old

fantastic stuff, the kings are fucking badass
if you notice in the car theres a machine gun attached to it, maybe it was planned to be customizable in Versus/early XV; it's like an armored car.

(the kings would make for incredible summons)


there's a lady with winged ears in the middle of the art, i think that could be messenger Garuda from the FFXIV collab since the designs are similar.
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Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
I wonder when Episode: Ardyn will get a trailer. We need news about it, as it's a drought currently, and we need it to get a solid idea of when and where it's taking place. At this point, it's probably best to wait for E3 this year for a trailer, they said they're not rushing it, so we might expect it to come out sometime in the Fall this year or something.
Likes: Storm


Warrior of Light
Oct 30, 2016

new concept arts from the book Official Works

Looking at these designs, I can't help but wonder whether the Oracle, the Just, and the Conqueror got gender-swapped after being designed. The Oracle, obviously, is a feminine role, but they gave him a male voice. The Conqueror seems to be wearing very substantial heels. Meanwhile, the Just has the sort of design I'm not sure I've ever seen used for female armor before.

...actually, come to think of it, the Clever seems to be wearing pretty high heels too, if I'm reading the design right. There's something really weird going on with the gender attributions here. XD;
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork


Forest Owl
Feb 24, 2018
Looking at these designs, I can't help but wonder whether the Oracle, the Just, and the Conqueror got gender-swapped after being designed. The Oracle, obviously, is a feminine role, but they gave him a male voice. The Conqueror seems to be wearing very substantial heels. Meanwhile, the Just has the sort of design I'm not sure I've ever seen used for female armor before.

...actually, come to think of it, the Clever seems to be wearing pretty high heels too, if I'm reading the design right. There's something really weird going on with the gender attributions here. XD;
I noticed the Mystic is wearing heels as well by checking his model in the bestiary. Wouldn't be surprised if that's a common thread between the design of a few of the Kings of Yore, regardless of gender. It is very puzzling that the Oracle has a male voice in Comrades now that you mention it lmao
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Feb 19, 2018
I noticed the Mystic is wearing heels as well by checking his model in the bestiary. Wouldn't be surprised if that's a common thread between the design of a few of the Kings of Yore, regardless of gender. It is very puzzling that the Oracle has a male voice in Comrades now that you mention it lmao
Tbh it's not like it conflicts with lore. It's never been stated that being an Oracle is an exclusively female job just that Luna and her mom were two female Oracles right after one another. To my knowledge it's never stated that, that king's Oracle was a woman either or that even the original Oracle was ever a woman. We know that there been female inheritors of the Line of Lucis' magic as it doesn't discriminate between genders thanks to the Rogue Queen existing so I assume the same is true for the magic of the Line of Flueret especially since Ravus has displayed some odd qualities such as picking up on Ardyn's shapeshifting almost immediately despite barely knowing Gladio and especially less so than Ignis who also didn't pick up on it. Personally don't see the female attributes of the Oracle king but the kings all have extremely distorted proportions and there are plenty of male characters that wear heels in fiction so I wouldn't think much of it especially in a series like FF which is full of androgynous males. Conquerer just looks really lanky and I can't even discern anything except for the heels and what appear to be antlers on the king with the crossbow. Also back in the day men used to wear heels in order to make horse riding easier so maybe these guys were really into horse riding, who knows?


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
^ those pics are awesome

Found this older vid while looking for footage of Insomnia mods. #lowkeycrying
that was nice, it wouldn't be hard to put tons of soldiers in the citadel and noctis alone using armiger unleashed with the debug mode.


apparently tabata went to the SE cafe in osaka and made an interview a few days ago.

said ignis parents and gladio's mother were there in insomnia pre-invasion

also ignis played the piano, together with noctis; he wants to show a scene with them playing the piano eventually