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Balamb Garden Freshman
Oct 26, 2013
Final Fantasy XIV is what I use to fill in my free time. It's exactly what I've been looking for; something I can make continuous progress in with a story and world I can get invested in. Beside that I've started playing Beyond with my partner, and looking at it with an eye for 'video games as art', I'm completely blown away. The concept and gameplay mechanics blend with the story for a really interesting and thoughtful experience.


Oct 25, 2013
Kingdom Hearts Final Mix (1.5 HD). Took a break from it after 1 complete playthrough on proud mode because of my exams. And I'm lucky i defeated Unknown on my first try on this mode. But yes I have to play the other modes after my exams then onto Chain of Memories :)

Shin Kazama

Sphere Hunter
UFFSite Veteran
Oct 30, 2013
Playing Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate HD. Completely forgot this was coming out this week 'til I stumbled upon it on the PS store.


Keyblade Master
Sep 26, 2013
Finished Metal Gear Rising, and what a fucking game. The accuracy of the Blade Mode was ten times better than the fricking 1:1 motion control in Zelda: Skyward Sword!

Must move on to the other free PS+ game I got this month soon: Remember Me. Will see how it plays and whether I can finish it up before Zelda: ALBW gets here.

Played through Skydive for review - a wingsuit flying game. And have Castlevania: Mirror of Fate HD to do next.
Likes: Sapientia

Shin Kazama

Sphere Hunter
UFFSite Veteran
Oct 30, 2013
I played the Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 demo the other night and it motivated me to play the first game again, so that's what I've been playing.

I liked the demo a lot actually. Especially the new gameplay elements. Life steal and guard crush are gonna bring some depth to the combat system this time around I think. Platforming was also fun and definitely more reminiscent of older, 2D Castlevania games than it was in the first LoS. There were some Symphony of the Night references thrown in there too, though I kinda hope they're re-recorded by the time the final game comes out; I thought they could have been spoken with a little more... I dunno, passion, for lack of a better word. You'll see what I mean if you play the demo. Gabriel/Dracula's voice is really good overall, however. The demo was pretty short, but I did like what music was there. I'm hyped. I didn't really find it faster, but it's been a long while since I played the first game. If it is, it's not significant enough that it stands out to me. I think the combat is a little more challenging but I still didn't find it hard. There's more thinking involved and different things to juggle at once in combat. There's much more going on onscreen than I remember there being in the original. You'll be having to attack one enemy using the guard breaker while dodging aerial attacks from a flying enemy while also keeping at eye out for unblockable attacks from other ground foes (which you'll have to dash-dodge away from) all while making sure your health is maintained, which, if it gets low, you'll need to temporarily switch to your life steal weapon to replenish. You can also grab an enemy and suck blood from their neck to get some health back, but that option isn't available until you've dealt them a certain amount of damage. I thought it was enjoyable but not hard. I'll probably pick a higher difficulty level when I play the full game, though.


Clan Centurio Member
Oct 4, 2013
World B
I've been playing BBS, as I have yet to fully finish it my second time around. I'm going to do all of the side content for Terra and Aqua, and once that's been done I'll finish up with getting every command in the game, beating both secret bosses, getting the Pete D-Link and leveling it, and finally, getting at least one of every item in the game for the heck of it. And yes, that's all for Terra and Aqua, Ven's completely done. Then I'm gonna try Critical Mode with Zero EXP, never changing my Keyblade or commands.


Keyblade Master
Sep 26, 2013
MGR was badass. After all, it is developed by Platinum Games~
They have my undying trust after Bayonetta!
Dead on. I so, so hope they do a sequel. I'm listening to the soundtrack now, too. So good.

I also can't stop watching Kojima's trailer for the game now that I've finished it. Just shivers every time. Spoileriffic, btw, if anyone watches it.

Did you get any DLC? The Jetstream and Bladewolf DLCs are now free to download in the US store. I hope that's the same for us tomorrow, because it's come at the perfect time after the game going free on PS+ if it is.
Likes: Sapientia


Keyblade Master
Sep 26, 2013
"REVENGEANCE CALLS." That was a pretty cool trailer, never seen it. Did Kojima put it together himself or did he direct it?
Oh, lawdy. I feel a need to play MGR right now. Here's hoping a sequel's announced for next-gen consoles.
He directed it. Pro.
Likes: Sapientia
Well I've just bought a 3DS and picked up Pokemon X and Fire Emblem Awakening as my starter games in my local games store near college. And man, those games are addictive. I purchased the first Ace Attorney game yesterday and oh boy nostalgic moments. (Actually 'borrowed' my brother's old DS years ago and played the first case till the fourth. Never got the chance to play the final case) Just finished my third case and I'll be starting on the fourth case as soon as I restore myself. It's been a long week for me.


UFFSite Veteran
Oct 7, 2013
Rosebud, SD
Pokemon White. It is proving to be quite fun and this is my first time EV training so it is quite a bit more interesting.

Although, I actually have a copy of Pokemon X but, I ended up buying that on a whim on release night without even having anything to play it on. I shall have a 3DsXL soon...if not a 2DS.